Monday, November 4, 2019

Do you think individuals or organizations should be allowed to own Essay

Do you think individuals or organizations should be allowed to own ancient artifacts that originated in another country - Essay Example As revealed by information by the British Museum (1), the ownership of ancient artifacts could also render some of these artifacts very useless in cases were some of their parts are still in the country of origin. In this case, none of the two countries really benefits by owning part of the artifacts. Although some organizations holding other nation’s sculptures may claim that the countries of origin do not have suitable location for display, this is not a good justification for holding such ancient artifacts. Had these artifacts existed in their country, they would certainly have motivated them to build a better place for them. Ancient artifacts are a symbol of a nation’s glory and nothing can substitute this including replications of these artifacts. Shyllon (2) explains, a replica of an irreplaceable cultural heritage can never be the best substitute. Shyllon Folarin. (2010). Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation: Oral Report of the Rapporteur. Online: Retrieved on 28th September,

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